Meeting point: Architekturzentrum Wien - Gateway next Volkstheater
sundays: Sunday 27 June 2010, 1:45pm - 8:30pm
EUR 28,00 / students EUR 22,00 ticket sale at the Az W Shop
Starting at the Vienna Belvedere, this sonntags excursion presents a special afternoon on the topic of successful restoration and contemporary interventions, taking in the converted former women's baths in Baden and a hidden gem by Otto Wagner.
* 234-01 Belvedere, Vienna-Wieden: Johann Lukas von Hildebrandt, 1714–23
- restoration, Belvedere gardens: Auböck & Kárász, 2003
- museum conversion, exhibition hall, design of the setting, connecting corridor Untere Belvedere-Orangerie: Kuehn Malvezzi, 2007, 09
- Orangerie, Unteres Belvedere / Susanne Zottl, 2007
* 234-02 Arnulf Rainer Museum, Baden: lottersberger–messner-dumpelnik architekten, 2009
* 234-03 Villa Rainer, formerly Villa Epstein, Baden: Otto Wagner, 1867
Restoration works — work in progress, Galerie Menotti, sculpture garden
Tickets include museum admission. The tour winds comfortably down at Villa Rainer with drinks & snacks offered by Tina Kosak.
meeting at 1.45pm, Az W shop
departure 2pm, Az W courtyard entrance
participating architects and experts: Auböck & Kárász, Susanne Zottl, lottersberger–messner-dumpelnik architekten, Tina Kosak (Galerie Menotti, Villa Rainer)
tour guide: Marion Kuzmany
© Archiv lottersberger–messner-dumpelnik architekten