
Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Library
Presentation: Wednesday 11 December 2013, 7pm
Admission free!
in German
To help filter those books worth reading or giving as presents from the flood of current books on architecture, many of which we often just leaf through, this year, for the fifth time, we invite you to attend our book salon in the library of the Az W. At the end of each year the collection of books and magazines that increases from year to year is the focus of a discussion group that talks about selected examples. In an introductory overview of new publications Wolfgang Heidrich presents the breadth of the bibliophile universe of the Az W. Following this our guests discuss the new books from 2013 on the basis of their subjective selections and give their personal reading recommendations – independent of the year in which the book in question first appeared.
Andreas Rumpfhuber, architecture theorist
Presentation “The New Book 2013”: Wolfgang Heidrich, librarian Az W
Book presentations:
Florian Huber, Institute for Cultural and Social Anthropology,
University of Vienna presents:
Oswalt, Philipp / Overmeyer, Klaus / Misselwitz, Philipp (Hrsg:): Urban Catalyst. Mit Zwischennutzungen Stadt entwickeln, DOM publishers, Berlin 2013
Elisabeth Leitner, Urban Design, TU Vienna presents:
Schendel, Dominik: Architekturführer Hamburg, DOM publishers, Berlin 2013
Andrea Seidling, filmmaker presents:
Necker, Sylvia: Wohn(ge)schichten 1938-2013, Ausstellungskatalog, afo - architekturforum oberösterreich, Linz, Eigenverlag, Linz 2013
Christoph Reinprecht, Institute for Sociology,
University of Vienna presents:
Teyssot, Georges: A Topology of Everyday Constellations, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. - London, Großbritannien 2013
Presenter: Andreas Rumpfhuber
Admission free!
© Hertha Hurnaus