Location: Architekturzentrum Wien
Workshop: Saturday 10 September 2016, 3pm
Sold Out !
There is a 27 metre tall high-rise in Milan built entirely of wood as a solid timber construction. What are the special characteristics of laminated timber panels? And how are the individual pieces of wood joined together? Find out, and more, at our workshop with the expert Stefan Rudolf of Stora Enso, where questions aren't just addressed in theory but also with practical demonstrations and hands-on testing. Every participating child tries their hand at being a wood master builder, and can take their own little house home with them.
Please bring an old T-shirt to wear for working.
Reservation required: office@azw.at, T +43 1 522 3115
© Stora Enso
Archikids: Building with Wood
Information: Lisa Kusebauch-Kaiser Tel.: +43 (1) 522 31 15 Fax: +43 (1) 522 31 17 Email: office@azw.at