
Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Old hall
Exhibition: 07 October 2017 - 15 October 2017
Opening Hours: daily 10am-7pm
Opening: Friday 6 October 2017, 7pm
9 EUR / 7 EUR reduced / free admission for medium- und large-partners / students: free admission on Wednesdays from 5pm-7pm
Traditionally democratic institutions are in crisis, while, at the latest since Occupy, Gezi Park or Syntagma Square, urban civil society has been on the move. Calls are growing louder and more intense for a quality of life beyond austerity policies, for a diverse media with journalists worthy of the name, for common experiences not defined by separation. 'ACTOPOLIS — The Art of Action' establishes a transnational testing ground for urban alternatives. ACTOPOLIS brings together architects, urbanists and activists from Ankara/Mardin, Athens, Belgrade, Bucharest, Sarejevo and Zagreb in a shared production laboratory. The vision behind, and the concrete aim of ACTOPOLIS is not the staging of one major event but the passing on of experience and the joint development of urban tools. The results of a three year collaboration are presented in an exhibition that is itself intended to become a public space for debate and co-production.
A cooperation with the Goethe-Institut and Urbane Künste Ruhr.
Project manager: Juliane Stegner, Goethe-Institut Athen
Artistic directors: Katja Assmann, Angelika Fitz, Martin Fritz
Ankara/Mardin: Pelin Tan
Athens: Elpida Karaba/Glykeria Stathopoulou
Belgrade: Boba Mirjana Stojadinović
Bucharest: Stefan Gheniciulescu/Raluca Voinea
Oberhausen: Geheimagentur
Sarajevo: Danijela Dugandžić
Zagreb: Ana Dana Beroš
© Rainer Schlautmann