Architekturzentrum Wien  

SammlungsLab01_The Terrassenhaus. A Viennese Fetish?

Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Gallery
Exhibition: 19 October 2017 - 08 January 2018
Opening Hours: daily 10am-7pm
Opening: Wednesday 18 October 2017, 7pm
Tickets: 9 EUR / 7 EUR reduced / free admission for medium- und large-partners / students: free admission on Wednesday from 5pm-7pm

Since the design of the Terrassenhaus by Adolf Loos in 1923 and to this day, this type of development is regarded in Vienna as an innovative form of urban housing. In SammlungsLab, a study is undertaken of this type of stepped section building, its phases of development and current relevance. Also pursued is the question of whether this is in fact a specifically local housing concept. Interest in this type of development appears unbroken. The Terrassenhaus meets users' current demand for a closeness to nature in combination with an urban lifestyle, while opening up new formal possibilities for architects to reinterpret the closed housing block. The current validity of stepped section housing in a range of urban contexts is pursued on the basis of historical and contemporary examples.

Curated by Lorenzo De Chiffre in cooperation with Monika Platzer/Az W.

From 2017 the Az W is developing a new format for showing the extensive stocks of the Az W collection, placing original material in a contemporary context once or twice per year. The SammlungLab is conceived as a testing ground for an experimental and future-oriented handling of the architectural heritage, and in preparation for a permanent presentation of the architecture collection.

© Margherita Spiluttini, Architekturzentrum Wien, Sammlung 

Permanent Exhibition

SammlungsLab01_The Terrassenhaus. A Viennese Fetish?

Press Release:
Annual Press Conference 2017

Saint-Gobain Rigips Austria

Lisa Kusebauch-Kaiser
Tel.: +43 (1) 522 31 15
Fax: +43 (1) 522 31 17

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