Architekturzentrum Wien  

OMA Rem Koolhaas 4+24 - BMD Bruce Mau

Location: Architekturzentrum Wien
Exhibition: 23 September 1998 - 16 November 1998
Opening: Tuesday 22 September 1998, 7pm

Opening: Tuesday, September 22, 1998, 7 p.m.

The book S, M, L, XL, the publicistic monument of the architecture debate in the 90`s, is the leitmotiv for the exhibition Living - Reading. The innovative Dimension S by Rem Koolhaas (OMA) is accompanied by the theme Living: 4 + 24, four spectacular villas in Europe and 24 apartments in Japan.

S, M, L, XL constitutes the link to Bruce Mau, the graphics designer who developed this encyclopaedia of images, quotations, and texts in cooperation with Rem Koolhaas. Reading thus shows Bruce Mau’s new image / text language for conveying architecture.

The exhibition Living - Reading was designed in cooperation with arc-en-rêve centre d’architecture Bordeaux and the Netherlands Institute of Architecture (NAI) and is supported by a generous grant from the european union`s programme "Kaleidoscope".
This exhibition is the architecture-graphics exhibition per se on the decade’s central issues: the work, the detail, the process, the conveyance.

Dietmar Steiner
Director, Architekturzentrum Wien

Francine Fort
Director, arc en rêve, Bordeaux

Michel Jacques
Art director, arc en rêve, Bordeaux

Peter Marboe
City councillor, City of Vienna

Radio Special on Ö 1:
Rem Koolhaas
"The city without qualities"
(in german)

Saturday, September 19,1998
5:05 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

© Az W 

Permanent Exhibition

Arcticles on OMA

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