Architekturzentrum Wien  

OMA Rem Koolhaas 4+24 - BMD Bruce Mau

Location: Architekturzentrum Wien
Exhibition: 23 September 1998 - 16 November 1998
Opening: Tuesday 22 September 1998, 7pm

Rem Koolhaas was born in 1944 in Rotterdam. After having lived in Indonesia between 1952 and 1956, he settled in Amsterdam as a journalist for the Haagse Post and as a film screenplay writer, before leaving for London to study architecture at the Architectural Association School. A scholarship obtained in 1972 allowed him to stay in the United States.

In London in 1975, he created, together with Elia and Zoe Zenghelis and Madelon Vriesendorp, the Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA), whose objectives were the definition of new types of relations - theoretical as well as practical - between architecture and the contemporary cultural situation. Since 1978, several orders in Holland led him to open an agency in Rotterdam which was to henceforth centralize oma’s activities.
Bruce Mau is an internationally recognized designer who established his reputation with the design of Zone 1/2 in 1986. Since then he has collaborated with a range of cultural organizations and contemporary artists and architects, including the Getty Research Institute, the Andy Warhol Museum (Pittsburgh), the Netherlands Architecture Institute, Frank O. Gehry (Los Angeles), Claes Oldenburg (New York), Michael Snow (Toronto), Meg Stewart of Damaged Goods (Brussels)., and Tony Scherman (Toronto), among others. In 1996, he co-authored the critically acclaimed S,M,L,XL with architect Rem Koolhaas (Monacelli Press). Bruce Mau is a member of the International Advisory Committee of the Wexner Center and the board of the Power Plant Contemporary Art Gallery in Toronto.

"We have developed our practice on one basic assumption that there is intelligence and imagination on the receiving end. This is perhaps the most fundamental difference between our studio and many of its more commercial cousins. Our approach is simply to respect the reader and assume their ability to understand even the most demanding configurations.

If we design a work that addresses the reader1s intellect, we contribute a small moment of dignity in a culture that too often panders to the lowest common denominator and in so doing insults the intelligence of its citizens."

Bruce Mau

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