Architekturzentrum Wien  

Lecture by Dominique Perrault
Austrian Postal Savings Bank / Main Cashiers' Hall

Location: Austrian Postal Savings Bank
Lecture: Wednesday 6 October 2004, 7pm
Tickets: Advance sale from Sept, 20 at the Az W Shop. No reservations! Price: EUR 7.50 / EUR 3.80 reduced.

Dominique Perrault, chairman of the jury, is to mark the fourth Otto Wagner Städtebaupreis with a speech in the main cashiers' hall of the Postsparkasse. The French architect achieved international fame extending well beyond specialist circles with the completion of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France in Paris, built under François Mitterand as one of the "Grands Traveaux".

Perrault has already been instrumental in the completion of various significant and major projects in Austria too, such as the town hall in Innsbruck, the two MPreis supermarkets in Wattens and the master plan for the Vienna DC, which serves as the basis for another development plan.

In a comprehensive report on his own work, Dominique Perrault introduces us to his current projects, including the new Mariinsky Theatre in St. Petersburg or Ewha University in Seoul.

© Dominique Perrault 

Lecture by Dominique Perrault

Press Release:
Otto Wagner Städtebaupreis 2004

Dominique Perrault

Az W Shop
Tel.: +43 (1) 522 31 15-30
Fax: +43 (1) 522 31-17

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