Location: Architekturzentrum Wien – Hall F3
Exhibition: 26 April 2007 - 14 May 2007
Opening Hours: Daily 10:00 am - 7:00 pm
Opening: Wednesday 25 April 2007, 7pm
Admission free!
Wed 25.04.2007, 7pm: prize-giving ceremony and exhibition opening
Awards for “Das beste Haus 2007” / The Best House are being presented for the second time by the s-bausparkasse in collaboration with Architekturzentrum Wien and the Austrian State Secretary for Art and Media.
At the end of January 2007 the jury selected a total of nine projects from the 118 submissions, with a prize-winning house in each of the federal states of Austria. The winning houses show specific regional characteristics and cover the full spectrum from perfect gems to dream homes – all designs that meet high standards in the quality of life they provide for their occupants.
The standard of the projects submitted and the response in the media showed back in 2005 that “Das beste Haus” (The Best House) inspired other initiatives with a focus on single-family houses, and showed that new concepts for such homes could be found despite the existing relentless development of the countryside.
The members of the jury were nominated by architecture institutions around the country: Haus der Architektur Graz: Markus Bogensberger Architekturraum Burgenland: Erich Kugler ORTE Architekturnetzwerk Niederösterreich: Marcus Nitschke Architekturzentrum Wien: Dietmar Steiner Kärntens Haus der Architektur/Napoleonstadl: Dietmar Müller Architekturforum Oberösterreich: Klaus Leitner Initiative Architektur Salzburg: Karl Meinhart aut. architektur und tirol: Erich Wucherer Vorarlberger Architektur Institut: Geli Salzmann
The exhibition is to tour Austria.
© Peter Oslschinsky