Architekturzentrum Wien  

sundays 206
lake attersee round trip

Meeting point: Architekturzentrum Wien - Shop
sundays: 14 June 2008 - 15 June 2008
Tickets: Sold Out !

This summer's cruise round the lake to finish the semester looks at the key buildings and sites in the culture historical context of the development of tourism on Lake Attersee, with a guided tour by Judith Eiblmayr, co-author of the book Der Attersee — Kultur und Naturlandschaft.
Elegant baths by young architects line-up alongside historic gems, such as Haus Gamerith by Ernst A. Plischke. A plunge into the crystal clear waters of the lake refreshes the architectural spirits.

a selection of sites:
Vöcklabruck music school: Gärtner+Neururer, 2008
Haus Gamerith, Seewalchen-Unterbuchberg: Ernst Plischke, 1934
Haus Figl, Seewalchen-Unterbuchberg: Luger & Maul, 2007
Gustav Mahler's house for composition, Steinbach: Franz Lösch, 1893
Zeileis baths, Seewalchen-Unterbuchberg: Luger & Maul, 2007
Landhaus Eichmann, Litzelberg: Clemens Holzmeister, 1928
Badehaus K (baths), Schörfling: Luger & Maul, 2002
Seebad Häupl (lakeside baths), Attersee: Luger & Maul, 1991

tickets, including coach
1 night + breakfast + dinner at Haus Attersee in Seewalchen
2 x lunch (drinks not included), guided tours

On receipt of your written reservation you will be sent a bill and a bank transfer slip. Reservations are binding and subject to a cancellation fee as outlined in our terms and conditions.

capacity: 30 participants
deadline for reservations: 01.03.2008

Luger & Maul
tour guide: Judith Eiblmayr

meeting on Saturday at 8.15am at the Az W Info stand
departure at 8.30am from the Az W entrance
return on Sunday at 8pm

© Edith Maul-Röder 

sundays 206

sundays 206

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