Architekturzentrum Wien  

Archikids: In The Right Light. How does architecture end-up on photos?
Workshop for children aged 6 and over

Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Podium
Workshop: Saturday 14 June 2008, 3pm - 5pm
Tickets: EUR 3,50 / small partner free of charge

Reservations: 01-522 31 15 or

What do birds and frogs have to do with architecture? How do buildings get newspaper coverage? And what is positive or negative in a photograph? Perspective, lighting and composition put the building in the right light, also allowing models to come out on a big scale.

First we have a close look at a camera together with the architecture photographer Pez Hejduk, then we try our own hands at being photographers and learn how to work in a studio and what you need to take into consideration when taking photographs outdoors.

ARCHIKIDS – Ask at the Az W
Everything you've ever wanted to know about architecture.

Each month one Saturday is a fixture on the programme for inquisitive Archikids (aged 6 and over). Find out everything you've ever wanted to know about architecture on this expedition into the built environment. The programme is designed to be equally appealing to your parents, grandparents, aunts or uncles.

© Ines Gratzer 

Archikids: In The Right Light. How does architecture end-up on photos?

Archikids: In The Right Light. How does architecture end-up on photos?

Lisa Kusebauch-Kaiser
Tel.: +43 (1) 522 31 15
Fax: +43 (1) 522 31 17

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