Location: Heinz Architectural Center at the Carnigie Center of Art
Exhibition: 01 March 2003 - 11 May 2003
The exhibition focuses on an understanding of modernism that helped to shape the twentieth-century dialogue in this field that took place between Austria and the USA, illustrating this theme with current examples of its continued influence.
The works of henke und schreieck, Jabornegg & Pálffy, and Riegler Riewe perpetuate the human vision of classical modernism, but not as the refinement of technological prowess or avant-garde form. Rather, they offer a kind of open structured "musical score," spatial orientation plans for a multitude of uses, which are quite in agreement with Josef Frank’s motto - Modern is not a style. Modern is only that which gives us complete freedom.
Selected buildings designed by the three teams shall be presented in a video documentary produced by the group gangart.
The exhibition will be accompanied by a catalogue in English (Verlag Anton Pustet, Salzburg - München, published by Architekturzentrum Wien).
© Az W