
BEST OF AUSTRIA. Architektur Architecture 2010_11
Published by Architekturzentrum Wien
2012 Park Books, Zurich
272 pages
language: German / English
Year of Publication: 2012
ISBN: 978-3-906027-11-1
5 Best of Austria.Architecture 2010_11 Barbara Feller, Dietmar Steiner
7 Ein beispielhaftes Land / An Exemplary Country Hans Ibelings
Kategorien Categories
12 Wohnen / Living
40 Tourismus, Freizeit / Tourism, Leisure
58 Kultur / Culture
84 Einfamilienhaus / Single family house
128 Industrie, Handel, Gewerbe / Industry, Trade, Commerce
154 Stadtraum, Infrastruktur / Public Space, Infrastructure
168 Bildung / Education
194 Öffentliche Bauten / Public Buildings
210 Büro, Verwaltung / Office, Administration
232 Akteure / Actors
244 Index Architekturpreise / Architecture Awards 2010_2011
266 ArchitektInnen / Architects
269 Abbildungsnachweis / Credits
270 AutorInnen / Authors
272 Impressum / Imprint
Authors: Klaus Jürgen Bauer, Robert Fabach, Barbara Feller, Eva Guttmann, Manuela Hötzl, Anne Isopp, Gabriele Kaiser, Elke Krasny, Marion Kuzmany, Isabella Marboe, Norbert Mayr, Astrid Meyer-Hainisch, Romana Ring, Robert Temel, Nicola Weber
Best of Austria. Architecture 2010_11 is already the third publication in a series that – very successfully – brings Austrian architecture to a wide audience. The Austrian building culture is defined here as including those structures that are built in Austria and those completed by Austrian architects, both domestically and abroad. In doing so, we bring all of the projects from 2010 and 2011 that were awarded with national and international prizes out “in front of the curtain.” This forms a panorama of the Austrian architectural landscape and produces surprising – both charming as well as strange – effects, like when a massive conference center in China is juxtaposed with a small car port in Tirol.
And depicting precisely this breadth of architectural production defines the concept of the book: we illustrate an up-to-date cross section of approximately 180 projects, complemented by the ten people or teams who won prizes for their work. But even this large quantity is only a portion of the architectural and construction productivity because some projects are never submitted for competitions and because of the juries’ biases. Though indisputably famous, the juries and their decisions are always subjective and indebted to the intentions of their respective foci: regional, thematic and temporal. And it becomes evident that the spectrum of prizes continues to expand and new prizes are constantly founded each year. As in many fields, sustainability has become a key topic, and it is to be hoped that the finer details of construction do not lose sight of those aspects that protect our resources.
The publication series “Best of Austria. Architecture” was founded as a result of the First Austrian Report on Building Culture and is based on the initiative of Dr. Claudia Schmied, Federal Minister for Education, Arts and Culture. Every two years, it presents Austrian architecture to a wide audience.
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