Architekturzentrum Wien  

Idee und Phänomen - Steven Holl
German Edition

Shop No.: 8008
Price: € 35,00
Out of Print
136 pages, numerous color illustrations, German edition
Lars Müller Publishers, 2002, Baden (CH)
authors: Dietmar M. Steiner, Yehuda E. Safran, Wolf D. Prix, u.a.
editors: Architekturzentrum Wien

The exhibition Idea and Phenomena. Steven Holl is accompanied by a catalogue in German and English language, published by Lars Müller Publishers, Baden. Essential text contributions by Dietmar M. Steiner, Yehuda E. Safran and Wolf D. Prix and a large illustrations section provide in-depth information on the nexus of idea and phenomena; with the comprehensive list of works, this is an up-to-date standard work on Steven Holl. In the person of Lars Müller as catalogue designer and publisher a partner was found who congenially translated Steven Holl's architectural intentions into print.

© Az W 

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Idea and Phenomena. Steven Holl

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