Summer Sale
€ 68,00
€ 9,00
256 pages, 120 b/w, German / English
Löcker, 1993, Vienna
author: Margherita Spiluttini / Dietmar Steiner
editors: Architektur Zentrum Wien
ISBN 3-85409-228-8
'Margherita Spiluttini and Dietmar Steiner did not want an architecture book but a picture book. Regardless of this, the book illustrates the high quality of - in the best sense of the word - new building in Austria. Or, to put it in Dietmar Steiner's more pragmatic words: Private attitude in search of expression is put aside and focus is placed on the acceptance and the treatment of conditions under which architecture is possible as an experience and a thinking process today '
Peter Rumpf, (Bauwelt, issue no. 1/1994)
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