
DVD Languages: English / German Vienna, 2003 Editor: Architekturzentrum Wien
Content: 70 Mins COLOUR PAL DVD Code: 2
The third show in this series joins the previous line-up to complete an Austrian trilogy. The 30 teams of architects presented and the 30 specially made videos of selected buildings provide an outline of the diversity shown by the new generation - from Vienna to Vorarlberg. The broad range of individual approaches taken has one common factor: they go 'Beyond Architainment'. This is a reference to architecture as an art form that goes beyond the celebration of beautiful objects or spectacular forms, and works on the spatial conditioning of emptiness, on the action-specific structuring of territory.
The teams and their buildings/projects represented on this DVD:
# AllesWirdGut DOZ, DOrfZentrum, Multipurpose Building, Fließ, Tirol, 1999 - 2001 Mehrzweckgebäude
# Feyferlik / Fritzer R. House, Graz, 2000 - 2002 Haus R.
# Holz Box Tirol Mpreis Grocery Supermarket, Kematen, Tirol, 2001 - 2002 Lebensmittelsupermarkt Mpreis
# one room huber/meinhart leopoldskron kindergarten, salzburg, 1999 - 2001 kindergarten leopoldskron
# pool trum, Locksmith's Hall and Bar, Trumau, Lower Austria, 1998 - 2000 Schlosserhalle mit Bar
# PPAG Anna Popelka Georg Poduschka Climatic Wind Tunnel, Vienna 21, 2000 - 2002 Klimawindkanal
# RATAPLAN vienna paint, office conversion and extensions, vienna, 1993 - 2001 büroumbau und -erweiterungen
# riccione School Extension, Zirl, Tirol, 1999 - 2001 Schulerweiterung
# franz sam stelzer office building, herzogenburg, lower austria, 1996 - 2001 bürogebäude stelzer
# weichlbauer / ortis residential DNA, gratkorn, styria, 1998 - 2001 wohnDNA
produced and designed by ZONE General concept and text: Otto Kapfinger Project coordination exhibition and catalogue: Susanne Jäger DVD editorial work: Kurt Zweifel Cover design: Gabriele Lenz
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