Architekturzentrum Wien  

Architecture in Austria
A survey of the 20th century

Shop No.: 7129
Price: € 19,90
Out of Print
334 pages, numerous ill., b/w, c, English
Birkhäuser Publishers, Basel / ACTAR, Barcelona, 1999, Barcelona / Basel
authors: Otto Kapfinger, Dietmar Steiner
editors: Birkhäuser, ACTAR in Cooperation with Architektur Zentrum Wien
ISBN ISBN 3-7643-6031-3, ISBN ISBN 0-8176-6031-3

This publication was developed in connection with the presentation of the exhibition 'Architecture in Austria. A look back on thecentury' in Spain. Both the exhibition and the publication provide the most comprehensive overview of Austrian 20th century architecture. The projectwas made possible by establishing of Architektur Zentrum Wien in 1993. However, one could ask, for what reason is an institution needed to present an exhibition and a publication? Simply because these activities are the young institution's main mandate: to discover, collect, and present Austrian architecture and provide information both nationally and internationally. Architektur Zentrum Wien's activities also focus on serving as the relevant Austrian location, catering to an international network of comparable museums and institutes of architecture and offering international information exchange for the advancement of architecture.

Both the exhibition and the publication are derived from an extensive architecture database, an archive, and a collection that have been scientifically developed in Architektur Zentrum Wien and made accessible tothe public at large. This base can be newly structured and presented to cater to any theme or focus. This was done for the first time in 1995 for a large exhibition at the Deutsches Architektur Museum in Frankfurt. The material has now been reassessed, reevaluated, and updated.

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