Architekturzentrum Wien  

Verbände international

DESSA - Ljubljana E
International Union of Architects E / F
Belgian Architects Association E
Architectural Association of Ireland E
American Institute of Architects E
Commonwealth Association of Architects E
Royal Architectural Institute of Canada E / F
Instituto de Arquitetos do Brasil P
South African Institute of Architects E
Mauritius Association of Architects E
Indian Institute of Architects E
Royal Australian Institute of Architects E
New Zealand Institute or Architects E
The Architectural Institute of Japan JP / E
Hong Kong Institute of Architects E
Singapore Institute of Architects E
United Architects of the Philippines E
Taiwan Architectural Association E
Malaysia Institute of Architects E
Association of Siamese Architects E
The Union of Architects of Russia R / E
Bund Schweitzer Architekten D / F / I / E
Bund Deutscher Architekten D
docomomo international F / en, fr
Society of Architectural Historians (GB) E
Society of Architectural Historians (US) E
SIA – Schweizerischer Ingenieur- und Architektenverein D / F

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