12.01.1905 born in Vienna 11.03.1974 died in Buenos Aires, Argentina
1921–23 general studies at the Kunstgewerbeschule (School of Arts and Crafts) Vienna under Carl Witzmann, Franz Čižek, Rudolf Larisch 1923–27 studied architecture at the Kunstgewerbeschule under Josef Hoffmann and Josef Frank 1930–31 further studies at the Technische Hochschule (Technical University) Vienna 1932 elected to the board of the Austrian Werkbund 1937 in his absence named Austrian delegate to the CIAM in Paris 1938 emigrated to Great Britain 1939 moved to New York 1940 moved to Buenos Aires 1941 set up Atelier Ltda. with Max Thurn 1943 Argentinian State Prize for the project The Home of Our Time 1960 awarded the Austrian title of professor.
Important buildings and interior designs Lerchenhain-Siedlung (with Peter Feile), Würzburg, 1929–30 Bugner House, Vienna 13, 1928–30 Wöhrl House, Viena 13, 1929–30 Luser House, Kritzendorf, 1930–32 Wernigg House, Vienna 16, 1930–32 Braun House, Baden near Vienna, 1932 Nagypál House, Vienna 16, 1933 Brandl House, Vienna 19, 1933 Zemlinsky House, Vienna 19, 1932–34 Lenz House, Vienna 19, 1936 Fashion salon Fridl Loos, Buenos Aires, 1942 Lienau patio house, Mar del Plata, 1943 Fashion salon Fridl Loos, Mar del Plata, 1943 Fashion salon Fridl Loos, (El Rancho), Buenos Aires, 1946 Conversion of an old quinta, Adrogué, around 1946 Highlandpark, pair of houses, Chapadmalal, around 1952 Landesberger apartment, Buenos Aires, 1962
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