The Architekturzentrum Wien turns 20! There is good reason to celebrate, as in the past two decades the Az W has secured a name for itself both nationally and internationally as an important competence centre for modern and contemporary architecture. We celebrate the fact that the Az W exists in the first place and, hopefully, will continue to exist for a long time to come.
Impressions of the party: please click here.
When it was founded back in 1993 the Az W set itself the following goals: presenting, discussing, publishing and archiving architecture. Whereas in the early years the presentation and explanation of architecture was the main focus of activities, today the Az W concentrates also on all the functions of a classic museum: collecting, preserving, and researching. As the only such institution in Austria the Architekturzentrum Wien devotes itself to the intensive processing and preservation of the architectural history of modernism in this country and also serves as an international contact point and interface. A major goal of the Az W is to strengthen public awareness of the need to preserve this cultural legacy. After all, architecture – the design of our environment – influences all areas of life and lastingly shapes our society.
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