Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Old hall
Accompanying Programme: Saturday 27 November 2010, 1:30pm - 3:30pm
EUR 4.50
A series of 4 Public Walks accompanies the exhibition, each of which begins with a brief guided tour of the exhibition by the curator and then continues in public space.
Freerunners and obstacle courses encounter contemporary dance and contemporary choreography.
What do they have in common? What separates them? What are their respective intentions? Urban territory provides a common basis from which to start and a shared focus. Andrea Seidling is your guide to a training session with Willi Dorner, which is to be recorded on video and by a photographer.
Followed by a discussion, moderated by Elke Krasny.
max. 40 participants, reservation required: office@azw.at 01-522 3115
© Lisa Rastl
Public Walk 2: Tracing
Press Release: Platz da!
Information: Lisa Kusebauch-Kaiser Tel.: +43 (1) 522 31 15 Fax: +43 (1) 522 31 17 Email: office@azw.at