Architekturzentrum Wien  

Fifth Vienna Architecture Congress
HEARTS OF EUROPE - Bypasses, Implants and Magnets for the Cities

Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Podium
Congress: 07 November 1997 - 09 November 1997

Richard Burdett
Born in 1956 in London/Great Britain
Architect and architectural critic
Studied Architecture at Bristol University and University College, London
Director of the City Policy, Architecture and Engineering Programme at the London School of Economics
Director and founding member of the 9H Gallery, London
Since 1991 Director of the Architecture Foundation, London
Collaboration with various reviews such as "Domus" and London correspondent of "Casabella"

Publications (selection):
- "Strategies in Architectural Thinking" (ed. with J. Whiteman & J. Kipnis), MIT Press, Cambridge 1991
- "Architecture between Pragmatism and High-Tech", in: "New Building Today", Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel/Boston/Berlin 1995
- "Richard Rogers Partnership: Works and Projects", Monacelli Press, New York, 1996
- E-Mail:

François Chaslin
Born in 1948 in Bollène/Vaucluse, France
Architect and architecture critic
Studied architecture at the Université de Paris from 1968 to 1979
He worked for various french magazines and daily newspapers such as "Le Monde", "Libération" and "Nouvel Observateur"
Head of the Exhibition Department of the Institut Français d’Architectur
from 1980 to 1987 Chief editor of the review
"L’Architecture d’Aujourd’hui" from 1987 to 1994

Publications (selection):
- "Le Paris de François Mitterand", Gallimard, Paris 1985
- "La Grande Arche", Electa-Moniteur, Paris 1989
-"Une Haine monumentale, essai sur la destruction des villes dans l’ex-Yougoslavie, Descartes et Cie, Paris 1997

Claude Fourteau
Born in 1939 in Avignon/France
Educational scientist and specialist in literature
Studied educational science at the Université de Paris and literary studies at the Université de Paris-Sorbonne
Teaching at different grammar schools in France and Sao Pãulo, Brazil from 1963-74
Founding member of the association Inter Musée
1992 und 1996/97 Lectures at the Université de Paris-Dauphin and the Université de Bourgogne/Dijon
Public relations work in the Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris from 1976-94
Public relations work in the Musée du Louvre, Paris since 1994

Dieter Hoffmann-Axthelm
Born in 1940 in Berlin/Germany
Urbanist and publicist
Studied theology, philosophy und history in Berlin, Tübingen, Zurich, Göttingen and Paris
Co-editor of the review "Ästhetik und Kommunikation" and collaboration with "Arch+"
Activities in urban development and town planning since 1978

Town Planning Projects (selection):
- Structural plan for "Friedrichstadt, Dorotheenstadt und Friedrichswerder/Berlin Mitte", together with B. Strecker, 1991/92
- "Planwerk Historisches Zentrum Berlin-Mitte", together with B. Albers (planning stage)
Publications (selection):
- "Die dritte Stadt", Frankfurt 1993; "Die Rettung der Architektur vor sich selbst", Zehn Polemiken, Vieweg, Braunschweig/Wiesbaden 1995
- "Anleitung zum Stadtumbau", Campus Verlag, Frankfurt/New York, 1996

Rem Koolhaas
Born in 1944 in Rotterdam/Netherlands
Architect and urbanist
Studied Architecture at the Architectural Association School in London
Foundation of the "Office for Metropolitan Architecture" (OMA) in London in 1975 (since 1981 in Rotterdam)
Professor at the Harvard University, Cambridge/Massachusetts since 1990

Publications (selection):
- "Delirious New York: A Retroactive Manifesto for Manhattan", Oxford University Press, N.Y. 1978, reprinted by 010 Publishers, Rotterdam 1994
- "OMA: S M L XL", (together with Bruce Mau), 010 Publishers, Rotterdam and Monacelli Press, N.Y. 1995
- More publications on and from OMA / Rem Koolhaas

Buildings and projects (selection):
- "Dutch House", 1993; "Lille Grand Palais" (trade and convention center, rock concert hall), together with "Euralille" (masterplan), 1994
- "Universal City", Los Angeles (work in progress); "Seoul National University Museum", Korea, 1996 (work in progress)
- "Harbour Genoa", (masterplan), 1997 (work in progress)
- "Dutch Embassy", Berlin, 1997 (work in progress)
- E-Mail:

Peter Newman
Born in 1949 in London, Great Britain
Urbanist and sociologist
Studied sociology and urban planning at the Centre for Urban and Regional Studies in Birmingham
Senior lecturer in Comparative Planning and Urban Policy at the School of Urban Development and Planning at the University of Westminster, London

Publications (selection):
- "Euralille: ’boosterism’ at the centre of Eurpe" (with A. Thornley), in: European Urban and Regional Studies, 2.3, 1995
- "Urban Planning in Europe" (with A. Thornley), Routledge, London 1996
- "Fragmentation and Centralisation in the Governance of London: Influencing the Urban Policy and Planning Agenda", in: Urban Studies, 34.7, 1997
- E-Mail:

Renato Nicolini
Born in 1942 in Rome/Italy
Architect and [yen]
Studied architecture in Rome
Professor at the Faculty of Architecture at the Università di Reggio Calabria, Italy
Municipal councilor of cultural affairs in Rome from 1976 to 1985
Parliamentarian from 1983 to 1994
At the moment city councillor of cultural affairs in Naples with mayor Antonio Bassolino

Publications (selection):
- "L’architettura di Roma capitale" (with V. Fraticelli and G. Accasio), Rome 1971
- "L’effimero teatrale" (with F. Purini), ed. by G. Betrolucei, Florence 1981
- "Notturno Rosso", Rome 1989
- "Estate Romana", Siena 1990
- "Napoli Angelica Babele", Milan 1996

Manuel Salgado
Born in 1944 in Lisbon
Architect und urbanist
Studied Architecture at the Escola Superior de Belas Artes de Lisboa, Portugal
Chief-architect at the EXPO 98 in Lisbon since 1995

Buildings and projects (selection):
Masterplans for the following cities:
- Setubal und Evora, 1987-89
- Fundao, 1989-96, Moita, 1991-92
- Vila Real de Santo António, 1992-94
Cultural Center Belem, Lisbon 1989-92 (together with Vittorio Gregotti)
Landscape architecture: Cascais-Estoril, 1993 (competition: first award)
Training college, Setubal, 1993-95
Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema, Lisbon, 1994-97
Social housing (150 apartements), Lisbon, 1994-97
EXPO 98, Lisbon (Masterplan)
- E-Mail:

Karl Schlögel
Born in 1948 in Hawangen/Allgäu, Deutschland
Historian and journalist
Studied Eastern-European History, Philosophy, Sociology and Slavonic Studies
Professor for Eastern European History at the
Europa Universität Viadrina in Frankfurt/Oder

Publications (selection):
- "Moskau lesen", Berlin 1984
- "Die Mitte liegt ostwärts. Mitteleuropa, die Deutschen und der verlorene Osten", Berlin 1986
- "Das Wunder von Nishnij oder die Wiederkehr der Städte", Frankfurt/Main 1992
- "Der grosse Exodus", "Die russische Emigration und ihre Zentren 1917-41"
- "Russische Emigration in Deutschland 1918-1941", Berlin 1995
- E-Mail:

Johannes Kaiser Wortmann
Born in 1955 in Hamm/Westphalen, Germany
Studied Political Science at the Otto-Suhr-Institut at the Freie Universität Berlin from 1977-79
Studied Architecture at the Technische Universität Berlin from 1979-1985
Partner with Guillermo Bañares Parera, Barcelona, since 1989
Correspondent for the architecture review "Bauwelt" since 1992

Buildings and projects (selection):
- "Holiday home Vazquez-Dodero" (former granary), Renanué, Pyrenees, 1992
- "House Steinbeck" (repair of a living area in a historical building in the city of Barcelona), 1996
- "Mercado de Futuros Financieros" (seat and computer centre of the spanish Future-Stock Exchange, Barcelona (beginning of construction in 1998)

Joseba Zulaika
Born in 1948 in Deba/Guipuzcoa, Spain
Anthropologist and philosopher
Studied at the University of Deusto, the Memorial University of Neufundland, Canada and at the Princeton University, USA
1983-89 Associate Professor at the University of the Basque Country, San Sebastián, Spain
Since 1994 Associate Professor at the University of Nevada, Reno, USA

Publications (selection):
- Caza, símbolo y eros", Nerea, Madrid 1992
- "Terror and Taboo: The Follies, Fables and Faces of Terrorism", Routledge, New York 1996
- "Crónica de una seducción: El Museo Guggenheim-Bilbao", Nerea, Madrid 1997
- E-Mail:

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Fifth Vienna Architecture Congress
Biographies of the participants

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Fifth Vienna Architecture Congress

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