Architekturzentrum Wien  


VASKO + PARTNER values the interdisciplinary collaboration with architects. Numerous exciting projects are developed together and with extensive discussion. Talking about visions for the future and finding solutions by exploring feasibility is part of our everyday routine. [Next]

Hans-Werner Frömmel, Bundesinnung Bau
Architecture is the art of building in its all-inclusive sense. A building does not only have to fulfil the needs of its users but also to conform to high standards of artistic and urban design while also satisfying the criteria for social, environmental and commercial sustainability. [Next]

Michael Gehbauer, GPA – WBV Wohnbauvereinigung für Privatangestellte
High quality architecture is part of our company philosophy: people, standards, milestones. [Next]

Wolfgang Gleissner, Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft m.b.H.
The BIG is a state-run enterprise with a clear commercial mandate, while also being aware of its social responsibilities. [Next]

Ruth Goubran, Sponsoring Erste Bank
Architecture is addedVALUE (MehrWERT): The founding concept for the original 'Erste Oesterreichische Spar-Casse' shapes the firm's key values. [Next]

Hans Peter Haselsteiner, Fachverband der Bauindustrie
Architecture is the art of building in its all-inclusive sense. A building does not only have to fulfil the needs of its users but also to conform to high standards of artistic and urban design while also satisfying the criteria for social, environmental and commercial sustainability. [Next]

Josef Herwei, Wiener Stadtentwicklungsgesellschaft mbH
Somebody working in location and project development is automatically involved with architecture. [Next]

Andreas Holler, BUWOG Bauen und Wohnen GmbH
Good housing is too long-term a business proposition to join in on short-term trends. However it is also subject to continual change and renewal, which makes it essential to keep up-to-date on architectural developments. [Next]

Stephan Jainöcker, Mischek Bauträger Service GmbH
Discussion broadens one's horizon. The ARCHITECTURE LOUNGE at the Az W is a space for politicians, commercial interests and architects to engage with one another and with controversial positions. [Next]

Ewald Kirschner, GESIBA
Good residential architecture is not self-serving but adapts to meet people's needs: as individuals, but also as members of a social group. A bonus of good residential architecture is that it promotes community, society and communication.

Winfried Kallinger, KALLCO Bauträger GmbH
The social and ecological quality of Viennese housing have earned it an excellent reputation in recent years both at home and on an international level. As building contractors KALLCO is playing an active role in this [Next]

Theodor Klais, STRABAG AG
The clients, in combination with the architects' creative input: together they enable the realisation of sustainable high-quality investments. [Next]

Reinhard Mechtler, Fritsch, Chiari & Partner ZT GmbH
Our office, which provides services that include structural analyses, project management and site supervision on location, has been involved with architects for over 20 years. [Next]

Michael Pech, Österreichische Siedlungswerk AG
Architecture is, in my view, a question of the clients' culture, too. This is the reason that in the Österreichische Siedlungswerk AG the artistic aspect of building is also written into the mission statement [Next]

Peter Rungger, Eternit Werke Ludwig Hatschek AG
Working with architects for over 100 years has been a part of Eternit's success story. Both as a raw material and as a company Eternit has close ties with and feels a sincere commitment to architecture. [Next]

Johann Scheuringer, Josko Fenster- und Türen GmbH
Josko has a self-imposed mandate to let its products flow into and integrate with architecture. It is not the individual effect that counts but the overall impact. [Next]

Marcus Schulz, Vitra Ges.m.b.H.
In its over two years of existence the Az W Architecture Lounge has established itself as an interesting platform for discussion, and for exchanging ideas and information on a broad range of topics. For Vitra it provides an [Next]

Gerhard Schuster, Wien 3420 Aspern Development AG
The founding of new towns has been mankind's most significant cultural project since settlement began. The aim is to create the conditions for people to live well together. [Next]

Michaela Trojan, Dieter Groschopf, wohnfonds_wien
The wohnfonds_wien is responsible for the safeguarding of quality standards in subsidised new homes and in the renovation of existing housing. Innovations play a major role.

Richard Wilkinson, Erste Group Immorent AG
The topic of architecture represents a significant criterion in the sustainable value of real estate and, in a broader context, also for the attractiveness of a location. [Next]

Peter Rossegg, Stora Enso Building & Living
The oldest building material is also the most modern of raw materials: wood. The creativity and innovation achieved by architecture built with wood is frequently and impressively demonstrated. As Europe's largest manufacturer of solid wood products, with over 20 factories Stora Enso Building & Living is proud to support the Az W. [Next]

© Az W 

Architecture Excursions
Guided Tours of Projects in Vienna
- Hans-Werner Frömmel, Bundesinnung Bau
- Michael Gehbauer, GPA – WBV Wohnbauvereinigung für Privatangestellte
- Wolfgang Gleissner, Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft m.b.H.
- Ruth Goubran, Sponsoring Erste Bank
- Hans Peter Haselsteiner, Fachverband der Bauindustrie
- Josef Herwei, Wiener Stadtentwicklungsgesellschaft mbH
- Andreas Holler, BUWOG Bauen und Wohnen GmbH
- Stephan Jainöcker, Mischek Bauträger Service GmbH
- Ewald Kirschner, GESIBA
- Winfried Kallinger, KALLCO Bauträger GmbH
- Theodor Klais, STRABAG AG
- Reinhard Mechtler, Fritsch, Chiari & Partner ZT GmbH
- Michael Pech, Österreichische Siedlungswerk AG
- Peter Rungger, Eternit Werke Ludwig Hatschek AG
- Johann Scheuringer, Josko Fenster- und Türen GmbH
- Marcus Schulz, Vitra Ges.m.b.H.
- Gerhard Schuster, Wien 3420 Aspern Development AG
- Michaela Trojan, Dieter Groschopf, wohnfonds_wien
- Richard Wilkinson, Erste Group Immorent AG
- Peter Rossegg, Stora Enso Building & Living

Alexandra Viehhauser
Tel.: +43 (1) 522 31 15 - 27
Fax: +43 (1) 522 31 17

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