Architekturzentrum Wien  

Johann Scheuringer, Josko Fenster- und Türen GmbH

Josko has a self-imposed mandate to let its products flow into and integrate with architecture. It is not the individual effect that counts but the overall impact. Our avant-garde products, such as Fixframe or MET interior doors, are becoming increasingly transparent and are extensively coordinated, in-line with the slogan 'Ganz schön schön. Ganz schön Josko' (Lit.: Very beautiful, already. Very Josko, already). A view that we, I believe, share primarily with architects. Just as Josko is a leading brand, we want to work with leading architects and professionals. And for that there is no way to avoid the ARCHITECTURE LOUNGE at the Az W.

© Josko 

Architecture Excursions
Guided Tours of Projects in Vienna
- Hans-Werner Frömmel, Bundesinnung Bau
- Michael Gehbauer, GPA – WBV Wohnbauvereinigung für Privatangestellte
- Wolfgang Gleissner, Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft m.b.H.
- Ruth Goubran, Sponsoring Erste Bank
- Hans Peter Haselsteiner, Fachverband der Bauindustrie
- Josef Herwei, Wiener Stadtentwicklungsgesellschaft mbH
- Andreas Holler, BUWOG Bauen und Wohnen GmbH
- Stephan Jainöcker, Mischek Bauträger Service GmbH
- Ewald Kirschner, GESIBA
- Winfried Kallinger, KALLCO Bauträger GmbH
- Theodor Klais, STRABAG AG
- Reinhard Mechtler, Fritsch, Chiari & Partner ZT GmbH
- Michael Pech, Österreichische Siedlungswerk AG
- Peter Rungger, Eternit Werke Ludwig Hatschek AG
- Johann Scheuringer, Josko Fenster- und Türen GmbH
- Marcus Schulz, Vitra Ges.m.b.H.
- Gerhard Schuster, Wien 3420 Aspern Development AG
- Michaela Trojan, Dieter Groschopf, wohnfonds_wien
- Richard Wilkinson, Erste Group Immorent AG
- Peter Rossegg, Stora Enso Building & Living

Alexandra Viehhauser
Tel.: +43 (1) 522 31 15 - 27
Fax: +43 (1) 522 31 17

  © Architekturzentrum Wien 2025 Kontakt: eMail