
Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Old hall
Exhibition: 21 September 2000 - 30 October 2000
Opening Hours: daily 10:00 A.M to 7:00 P.M.
Opening: Wednesday 20 September 2000, 7pm
In September 2000 the Architekturzentrum Wien (AZW) is launching a series of exhibitions and publications which is to become a fixture in the AZW diary.
The content: 10 current tendencies in Austrian architecture, 10 architects’ studios from Vienna to Vorarlberg. 10 mobile exhibition elements and a catalogue that can be taken apart to form 10 portfolios which can be used by the individual studios for their own promotion. The exhibition has been conceived as a compact touring show and each year the participants are to be replaced by 10 new architectural positions.
A bilingual German/English catalogue is to be presented on the occasion of the opening of the exhibition.
Opening: Dietmar Steiner Director Architekturzentrum Wien
Otto Kapfinger Curator and Head of Scientific Research Architekturzentrum Wien
Guided Tours: Saturday, September 30, 2000, 3:00 P.M. Saturday, 14. October 14, 2000, 3:00 P.M. Saturday, October 28, 2000, 3:00 P.M.
Four wednesday evenings are devoted to the exhibition Kommende Architektur [1] - emerging architecture [1]. The situation of young architects’ studios is to be analysed beyond the hype on the basis of concrete issues: Is the development of a generation merely repeating itself, or are the new conditions leading to new strategies?
wednesdays: 12 - Wednesday, September 27, 2000, 7:00 P.M. 13 - wednesday, October 04, 2000, 7:00 P.M. 14 - wednesday, October 11, 2000, 7:00 P.M. 15 - wednesday, October 18, 2000, 7:00 P.M.
Sponsored by: Stadtplanung Wien Kunst Bundeskanzleramt Arch+Ing, W, NÖ, B Eternit Schindler AG Zumtobel Staff