Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Old hall
Exhibition: 24 February 1999 - 05 April 1999
1904 Hans Steineder was born on February 27 in Linz.
1923 - 1926 Studies architecture at the Academy of Fine Arts; student of Peter Behrens
1926 Opens his own studio in Linz
1927 - 1934 The holy order of the "Schulschwestern" are his first client, followed by schools in Linz, Wels, Ried, Hallein, and Puchheim
1930 - 1931 Housing projects in Linz, single-family house in Grieskirchen
1931 - 1932 Kolping houses in Linz and Wels
1936 - 1938 Provincial transport authority in Linz, structural alterations for businesses, competitions
1938 His studio is confiscated by the NSDAP, moves to Vienna
1945 Reopens his studio in Vienna
1946 Awarded 1st prize with Mathäus Schlager in the Danube Canal competition
1947 Member of the Austrian state planners committee, great interest in the reconstruction of Austrian cultural heritage
1947 - 1975 Becomes member of various municipal advisory committees - Klosterneuburg, Melk, Grinzing, Mödling- advocates the conservation of old buildings and becomes a conservationist
1950 - 1961 Municipal buildings in Vienna, which he adapted to harmonize with the cityscape of the old city.
1971 Decoration of Honor in Silver of Vienna and professor title for his reconstruction of musician monuments
1976 Hans Steineder dies in Linz on March 29.
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