Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Old hall
Exhibition: 01 April 2004 - 12 July 2004
Opening Hours: Daily 10:00 am - 7:00 pm, Wed until 9:00 pm
Opening: Wednesday 31 March 2004, 7pm
EUR 5.- / EUR 3,50.- (Students)
The projects completed by circles of architects in Vienna and Graz between 1958-1973 have achieved mythical status as well as international recognition as part of the neo-avant-garde in the history of architecture since 1945. In the exhibition the work of individuals behind the Austrian phenomenon is to be documented in extensive chronologies of their work with biographical information these include: Raimund Abraham, Domenig/Huth, Coop Himmelblau, Bernhard Hafner, Hans Hollein, Missing Link and Zünd up, and many more). Combined with topical events of the time the international and local contexts are provided to form an incomplete whole signalising that the Austrian Phenomenon is to be seen "mass of unregulated singularities". This collection of fragments, consisting of around 50 authors or authors' collectives in juxtaposition to one another, is supplemented by individual prominent and striking pieces of work. These are being presented in their original form to show the breadth of scope of the working methods applied, from sketches to Happenings.
Opening address Hannes Pflaum, President of the Az W Board Dietmar Steiner, Director Az W Johannes Porsch, Curator Andreas Mailath-Pokorny, Executive Councillor for Culture and Education
Concept: Johannes Porsch, Katharina Ritter. Assistant: Viola Stifter Exhibition design: Nicole Six & Paul Petritsch with Annja Krautgasser
Sponsors: Geschäftsgruppe Stadtentwicklung und Verkehr Bundeskanzleramt Sektion Kunst Wien Kultur Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur UNIQA Versicherungen AG Zumtobel Staff Österreich Vertriebs-GmbH