
Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Old hall
Exhibition: 21 November 2002 - 10 March 2003
Opening Hours: Daily 10:00 am - 7:00 pm, Wed until 9:00 pm
Opening: Wednesday 20 November 2002, 7pm
AllesWirdGut Große Neugasse 27 A – 1040 Vienna AUSTRIA Phone +43-1-961 04 37 Fax +43-1-961 03 11 awg@alleswirdgut.cc www.alleswirdgut.cc
Ingrid Hora *76, Andreas Marth *69, Friedrich Passler *69, Herwig Spiegl *73, Christian Waldner *71, have been working together, as AllesWirdGut since 1999, on projects of various scales – including urbanistic strategies, interior work and design; drive a Mercedes 230CE/82; go to the Schikaneder, Shamrock and expedit; enjoy Fridge, Motorpsycho, Beck, Cabaret Voltaire, Madonna and Guy Ritchie (alright: George Clooney, too)..
Buildings, projects (select): DOZ, DOrfZentrum, Multipurpose Building, Fließ, Tirol, competition, 1999 - 2001 FUZI, Free-Space Planning (1st phase), Innichen/San Candido, South Tirol, competition, 1999 - 2002 turn0n, housing vision, everywhere & nowhere, 2000 DONG, Conversion of DON GIL Shops, Graz, Styria, and Pasching, Upper Austria, 2000ff HIM Shop Conversion, Innichen, South Tirol, 2001 MBM Single-Family Dwelling, Fließ, Tirol, 2001 - 2002 mq21, Interior Work, MuseumsQuartier Wien, 2001 - 2002
Planned / under construction: SI+, Single-Family Dwelling (together with Rainer Pirker ARCHItexture team and werkraum), Vienna geo, Factory Building, South Tirol; FUZI (2nd phase)
Urbanity is Synchronism The five shooting stars up from the country sharing an office in Vienna, in a former grocery store, are anything but affirmatively naïve, as the group's name may suggest. Crystal-clear analyses in urban economy and astonishingly mature planning concepts are behind their zippy project titles, glamorous photomontages and comics perspectives. This is anything but the decorative utopism displayed by a good many architectural pop groups.
'Alles Wird Gut' – all will get well – is rather the motto informing a fresh, impartial approach to seemingly unattractive or cliché-saturated problematic zones. Positive thinking alone is provably not enough in this business. Yet an emotionlessly awake, vigorous insolence may accelerate considerations of the unwieldy nature of urban realities. Such action may reach the extent of a sober conceptual dynamics that is well considered as a trademark for the AWG projects. [...]