Architekturzentrum Wien  


With its numerous projects in cooperation with schools the educational policy of the Architekturzentrum Wien proactively assumes a pioneering role in the field of architecture.

die Graphische
Gold Vids (2013) and ARCHItour (2008/09)

a_show Audioguide (in German)
Hertha Firnberg Schulen für Wirschaft und Tourismus

AHS Bernoullistraße
Rainer for Schoolkids
As part of culture connected, the Az W has a cooperation in 2013 with the Bernoullistrasse AHS. Roland Rainer, who built a part of the school, is at the focus of this cooperation. [Next]

The City of the Future – p[ART]
The purpose of the three-year cooperation between the AHS Heustadlgasse and the Az W under the p[ART] programme is to pose questions regarding the city of the future, and to formulate shared visions for the development in Aspern, perhaps even realising some aspects of the latter. [Next]

Berufsschule für Baugewerbe
A cooperation with KulturKontakt Austria (Programm K3), the Wien Museum, the Az W, the Berufsschule für Baugewerbe (65 Wagramer Strasse), Johanna Reiner (artist) and eSeL [Next]

Advertising Spots 'Soviet Modernism'
As part of a seminar with a focus on current advancements in urban development in Central and East Europe (CEE), organised by the Institut für Städtebau, Landschaftsarchitekur und Entwerfen at Vienna University of Technology in the summer semester of 2012, a cooperation project with the Architekturzentrum Wien was undertaken. [Next]

Kinderuni Wien
The Architekturzentrum Wien has been a partner of the Kinderuni Wien for two years, and regularly organises Kinderuni Workshops in the summer for kids with a thirst for knowledge. [Next]

Camillo Sitte Lehranstalt
In order to be able to better fulfil its political agenda as an educational facility, the Architekturzentrum Wien has begun a cooperation with the Camillo Sitte Lehranstalt at the Höhere Technische Bundeslehr- und Versuchsanstalt in Vienna. [Next]

The mediation team at the Architekturzentrum Wien is frequently invited by institutions in other countries to talk about their experiences with architecture-based educational projects, and to organise workshops with them. [Next]

For the Visually Impaired
Feeling models, touching surfaces and experiencing the atmosphere acoustically was the basis for an afternoon that a group of about 15 blind and visually impaired people spent on a guided tour of Karl Marx Hof by the Architekturzentrum Wien. [Next]

Hunger auf Kunst und Kultur
“Hunger auf Kunst und Kultur”, created 2003, should be understood as an initiative that focuses on the discourse about the significance and accessibility of culture for all people. [Next]

Museum Online
Every year one museum or one cultural facility in each federal state of Austria is invited to participate in projects for the online museum's topic for that year. [Next]

platz da!
BORG Hegelgasse
A multi-functional redesign of Schellinggasse pedestrian zone, which directly adjoins BORG Hegelgasse, was planned in conjunction with pupils of the school. [Next]

Street Furniture and Seating
GRG 12 Rosasgasse
Thinking about the subject of street furnishing began right where the participants lived and went to school. [Next]

Everything you do, do it yourself!
At a time when public spaces are increasingly being privatised we in the „Youth Club – Urban Accomplices” examine the following questions: What kind of spaces surround us? What kind of places do we wish for and how can we change the city in which we live? [Next]

© Camillo Sitte Lehranstalt 

Offers for schools
Activities for Adults
Holiday workshops
German as a foreign language
- die Graphische
- a_show Audioguide (in German)
- AHS Bernoullistraße
- The City of the Future – p[ART]
- Berufsschule für Baugewerbe
- Advertising Spots 'Soviet Modernism'
- Kinderuni Wien
- Camillo Sitte Lehranstalt
- International
- For the Visually Impaired
- Hunger auf Kunst und Kultur
- Museum Online
- platz da!
- Street Furniture and Seating
- StadtkomplizInnen

Anne Wübben
Tel.: +43 (1) 522 31 15 - 29
Fax: +43 (1) 522 31 17

  © Architekturzentrum Wien 2024 Kontakt: eMail