In order to be able to better fulfil its political agenda as an educational facility, the Architekturzentrum Wien has begun a cooperation with the Camillo Sitte Lehranstalt at the Höhere Technische Bundeslehr- und Versuchsanstalt in Vienna. Alongside small exhibitions that the Az W brings to the college, and in addition to the usual educational programme (school visits to exhibitions at the Az W or theme-specific guided tours in and around Vienna), further collective events are to be organised (the Camillo Sitte Symposium every three years, for example).
The cooperation between the Architekturzentrum Wien and the Camillo Sitte Lehranstalt, will also mean that everybody attending the college will have one year's free admission to all exhibitions at the Az W. With the support of Eternit.
Camillo Sitte Lehranstalt The Camillo Sitte Lehranstalt provides comprehensive high quality training and education in all areas of the building sector, and offers tailor-made education to become a qualified civil engineer in various faculties with numerous opportunities to move about and change courses. A total of over 1000 pupils attend this college, with seven types of daytime courses and two evening ones.
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