Architekturzentrum Wien  

die Graphische
'Golden Vids' and 'ARCHItour' in cooperation with the Graphische Bundes-Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt

Golden Vids (2013)
As part of the exhibition "The Gold of the Az W. The collection" the Az W cooperated with the Higher Graphic Federal Education and Research Institute in 2013. The students of the college developed supported by Ulrike Swoboda Ostermann produced a short film for the exhibition using archive material from the Vienna Architecture Centre.

ARCHItour (2008/09)
In the school year 2008/09 a website was conceived by students of the Höhere Graphische Bundeslehr- und Versuchsanstalt to provide a platform which permits a playful but nevertheless highly informative engagement with architecture for pupils, children and young people.
The website ARCHItour (currently offline) is a work in progress, and added depth is to be provided by further cooperative projects in the future. The orientation for the project is taken from the permanent exhibition 'a_show. Austrian Architecture in the 20th and 21st Centuries' and accordingly provides key background material for everybody who is active in the field of architecture mediation and education.


Offers for schools
Activities for Adults
Holiday workshops
German as a foreign language
- die Graphische
- a_show Audioguide (in German)
- AHS Bernoullistraße
- The City of the Future – p[ART]
- Berufsschule für Baugewerbe
- Advertising Spots 'Soviet Modernism'
- Kinderuni Wien
- Camillo Sitte Lehranstalt
- International
- For the Visually Impaired
- Hunger auf Kunst und Kultur
- Museum Online
- platz da!
- Street Furniture and Seating
- StadtkomplizInnen

Anne Wübben
Tel.: +43 (1) 522 31 15 - 29
Fax: +43 (1) 522 31 17

  © Architekturzentrum Wien 2024 Kontakt: eMail