Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Old hall
Exhibition: 18 May 2000 - 07 August 2000
Opening: Wednesday 17 May 2000, 7pm
At the center of the Architekturzentrum Wien’s exhibition, presented on the occasion of Friedrich Achleitner’s 70th birthday, is the most extensive regional architectural archive of the twentieth century. Accumulating over a span of four decades, the "Achleitner Archive" is the ultimate commemoration of recent Austrian architecture.
With thirty selected buildings - using examples from Vienna’s Neubau district and the city of Dornbirn - the structure of the archive will be illustrated. Four detailed building-biographies show that buildings are "vital subjects" with a complex and often conflict-laden history.
The exhibition also offers a first glance into the projected digital archive, which will be available to the public after completion of data processing to more than 30,000 objects.
Opening Friedrich Achleitner Dietmar Steiner, Director Architekturzentrum Wien Otto Kapfinger, Head of Scientific Research Architekturzentrum Wien
wednesdays 08 Wednesday, May 24, 2000, 7:00 P.M., Architekturzentrum Wien On the occasion of this exhibition, on Wednesday Friedrich Achleitner and guests will discuss the following questions: what relevance does an Architectural Topographer have today? And how has his position in the discourse changed over the years? Where, between an Inventory of Monuments and a City Guide, does this Archive stand?
In cooperation with the vorarlberger architektur institut, der City of Dornbirn and the Dornbirner City Archive.
Supported by: Stadtplanung Wien Kunst Bundeskanzleramt Stadt Dornbirn Arch+Ing, W, NÖ, B Eternit Schindler AG Zumtobel Staff
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