
Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Old hall
Exhibition: 18 May 2000 - 07 August 2000
Opening: Wednesday 17 May 2000, 7pm
1930 born May 23, 1930 in Schalchen, Upper Austria
1950 - 1953 Architectural studies and diploma in the Master class of Clemens Holzmeister at the Academy of Fine Arts ( Akademie der bildenden Künste ) in Vienna
1953 - 1955 Master class of Emil Pirchan, stage and set construction
Ab 1953 Freelance architect, collaboration with Johann Georg Gsteu. Most important work from this period is the modernization of the Rosenkranz-church in Vienna.
1958 Achleitner ended his activities as an architect in 1958 and became a freelance writer. He wrote dialect poems and concrete poetry as a member of the legendary "wiener gruppe" (Konrad Bayer, Gerhard Rühm, Oswald Wiener) and participated in the performances of the "literary cabaret".
1961 Architecture critic for the "Abendzeitung"
1962 - 1972 Architecture critic for the daily paper "Die Presse". Until 1972 Friedrich Achleitner’s routine architecture critique established a new quality of reflection on the architecture in Austria.
1963 - 1983 Teaching assistant for "History of building construction" at the Academy of Fine Arts (Akademie der bildenden Künste) Vienna
1983 - 1998 Head of the teaching council for "History and the Theory of Architecture" at the Academy of Applied Arts (Hochschule für angewandte Kunst) in Vienna. As of 1965 Achleitner worked on a guide to Austrian Architecture of the twentieth century that has been published in individual volumes since 1980. This unique work is the result of intensive primary research, based on the analysis of all available archived sources, the personal authentic visitation of all buildings and their linguistic architecture critical evaluation. In an unparalleled connection of historical competence and linguistic analysis, Achleitner achieves the connection of architecture and literature at the highest level. He has received numerous prizes and honors for his work.
1959 "hosn rosn baa", dialect poems with H.C.Artmann und Gerhard Rühm, Vienna 1960 "schwer schwarz", concrete poetry, eugen gomringer press, Frauenfeld 1967 "die wiener gruppe", Ed., Gerhard Rühm, with H.C.Artmann, Konrad Bayer, Gerhard Rühm, Oswald Wiener, Hamburg 1968 "Lois Welzenbacher" monograph, with Ottokar Uhl, Salzburg 1970 "prosa, konstellationen, montagen, dialektgedichte, studien", Hamburg 1973 "quadratroman", Darmstadt 1975 "WOHNEN ETCETERA", Munich 1977 "Die WARE Landschaft", (Ed.), Salzburg 1980 "friedrich achleitner + gerhard rühm". super rekord 50 + 50, Linz 1986 "Nieder mit Fischer von Erlach", (architecture critique), Salzburg 1987 "Aufforderung zum Vertrauen", (architecture critique), Salzburg 1991 "KAAS" (dialect poem), Salzburg 1994 "Die rückwärtsgewandte Utopie: Motor des Fortschritts in der Wiener Architektur", Vienna 1995 "Die Plotteggs kommen", Vienna 1996 "Wiener Architektur", Vienna 1997 "Region, ein Konstrukt? Regionalismus, eine Pleite?", Basel ab 1980 "Österreichische Architektur im 20. Jahrhundert" (A Guide to Austrian Architecture of the Twentieth Century) Volume 1: Upper Austria, Salzburg, Tyrol and Vorarlberg Volume 2: Carinthia, Styria and Burgenland Volume 3/1: Vienna Districts 1–12, Volume 3/2: Vienna Districts 13–18, Residenz Verlag, Salzburg
1957 Theodor Körner Prize with J.G.Gsteu (Theodor Körner-Preis) 1980 Austrian Architectural Society’s Prize for Architectural Publication (Preis für Architekturpublizistik der österreichischen Gesellschaft für Architektur) 1982 Prechtl Medal of the Technical University Vienna (Prechtl-Medaille der Technischen Universität Wien) 1983 Camillo-Sitte Prize (Camillo Sitte-Preis) 1984 State Prize for Cultural Journalism (Staatspreis für Kulturpublizistik) 1989 Culture Prize of the City of Kapfenberg (Kulturpreis der Stadt Kapfenberg) 1990 City of Vienna Prize for Cultural Journalism (Preis der Stadt Wien für Kulturpublizistik) 1994 Carinthian Prize for Merit in Building Culture (Kärntner Würdigungspreis für Baukultur) 1995 Province of Upper Austria Cultural Prize for Architecture (Oberösterreichischer Landeskulturpreis für Architektur) City of Vienna Golden Medal of Honor (Goldene Ehrenmedaille der Stadt Wien) 1995 Prize of the Basel Museum of Architecture (Preis des Architekturmuseums Basel)
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