Architekturzentrum Wien  

Architekturzentrum Wien Press Releases

Dear journalists and representatives of the press,
this is where you will find all the schedule for and details of all upcoming press conferences, as well as comprehensive information on exhibitions and events organised by the Az W.

Surface in Space
A series of lectures and discussions organised by the Architekturzentrum Wien in collaboration with Ebenseer Betonwerke and Zement + Beton.
Surface in Space is presenting current realised or planned projects over the course of four evenings. These projects are all concerned with the design of contemporary public space in various European towns and regions by architects of different nationali [Next]

The Museum Quarter Vienna
... and other exciting stories
The Architekturzentrum Wien will, for the frist time, present the overall project of the Museum Quarter Vienna, which is now under construction, to the public. [Next]

Amt Macht Stadt
Erich Leischner and the Vienna Stadtbauamt

Rudolf Schwarz - Architect of a different modernism
Rudolf Schwarz is one of the most important architects of German post-war architecture. In Austria he erected two buildings, the churches St. Florian in Vienna and St. Theresia in Linz. [Next]

Sixth Vienna Architecture Congress
Where will we live?
Our societies are beginning to change their habitual views of home. However, our old ideas of home have not yet been replaced by new ones able to offer an answer to the question: Where will we live? [Next]

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Ines Purtauf
Tel.: +43 (1) 522 31 15 - 25
Fax: +43 (1) 522 31 17

  © Architekturzentrum Wien 2025 Kontakt: eMail