Architekturzentrum Wien  

Hunger auf Kunst und Kultur

“Hunger auf Kunst und Kultur”, created 2003, should be understood as an initiative that focuses on the discourse about the significance and accessibility of culture for all people.

Cooperation 2016
Vienna to go - Wien angehen
An urban research project on foot to expand the usually limited radius of movement of unaccompanied refugee minors in Vienna. Cooperation partners: WestLicht, Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund (Haus Ottakring), h12 BORG für Musik und Kunst, Architekturzentrum Wien [Next]

Cooperation 2015
How far can we get?
The Architekturzentrum Wien and the association balance are starting a mapping action with the wheelchair under the motto “how far can we get?” [Next]

Cooperation 2013
A-way. A filmic Map of Urban Vagrancy
A cooperation by The Austrian Filmmuseum, Architekturzentrum Wien and Verein Neunerhaus Location Hagenmüllergasse/ Riedelgasse, as part of Hunger auf Kunst und Kultur [Next]

Cooperation 2009
Lebensräume. Third places
As part of the initiative Hunger auf Kunst und Kultur (Hungry for Art and Culture), in cooperation with Job Transfair and the Architekturzentrum Wien launched the project 'Lebensräume. Third Places', where about 35 long-term unemployed youths participated in Summer 2009. [Next]

© Tanja Crnogaca 

Offers for schools
Activities for Adults
Holiday workshops
German as a foreign language
- die Graphische
- a_show Audioguide (in German)
- AHS Bernoullistraße
- The City of the Future – p[ART]
- Berufsschule für Baugewerbe
- Advertising Spots 'Soviet Modernism'
- Kinderuni Wien
- Camillo Sitte Lehranstalt
- International
- For the Visually Impaired
- Hunger auf Kunst und Kultur
- - Cooperation 2016
- - Cooperation 2015
- - Cooperation 2013
- - Cooperation 2009
- Museum Online
- platz da!
- Street Furniture and Seating
- StadtkomplizInnen

Anne Wübben
Tel.: +43 (1) 522 31 15 - 29
Fax: +43 (1) 522 31 17

  © Architekturzentrum Wien 2024 Kontakt: eMail